During the recent school holidays I was asked by the Gold Coast City Council, Queensland to run a children’s guitar workshop for absolute beginners. There were fifteen children in each class and I’m thrilled to say that two workshops sold out quickly so next year they’ve asked if I can be available to run three.
Those children participating were aged between 6-12 years and upon finishing the short course, many were inspired to continue their tuition by attending my Saturday morning guitar club.

With the upcoming ASME conference in Melbourne in July 2017, I hope to meet many more music teachers and talk to them about the Copy, Play and Learn Guitar teaching method. I will be occupying a trader’s stand and hopefully running a workshop. The last one in 2015 proved very popular and I am pleased that so many more music teachers are excited and encouraged by the CPL learning method. If you’re there, drop by and say ‘Hi’.
A lot of school music teachers have a classroom set of guitars available for use yet remain idle. Some teachers have inherited them and don’t quite know what to do with them and how they might be best used. Guitar is a very popular instrument yet a lot of music teachers will still impart musical concepts to their students via their recorder program. While visiting a local school and demonstrating the beginner’s guitar book, Gold Coast music teacher, Joy P. suggested that the Copy Play and Learn Guitar method could replace the current recorder program as she saw how positively the children responded and were encouraged by using the Copy, Play and Learn Guitar method.