About The Author
Bryce Leader
Creator of the Copy, Play & Learn Guitar teaching system
Bryce was born and raised in Sydney, Australia where he commenced guitar lessons at the age of nine.
Upon graduating from high school he studied at Newcastle Conservatorium and was awarded a Bachelor of Music Education and Associate Diploma in Music, Australia (AMusA) in Classical Guitar. His interests in the guitar extend to the Jazz, Rock and Country genres where he is also an active participant.
Bryce spent some time as a classroom music teacher but has, since 1988 been teaching guitar as a full-time profession in various Queensland schools.
Always looking for new ways to engage his students, Bryce devised the Copy, Play & Learn method in 2010. Since then, a groundswell of enthusiasm from classroom music teachers and specialist guitar teachers has seen a vast increase in the numbers of young children learning the guitar using the Copy Play & Learn system.